Career and Technical Education
Fine Arts
For Parents
SAT-The SAT is an entrance exam used by most colleges and universities to make admissions decisions. The SAT is a multiple-choice, pencil-and-paper test created and administrated by the College Board. Students are recommended to take the SAT in the Spring of their Junior year. Copperas Cove High School administers the SAT to all Juniors in the Spring. Students can also take the SAT anytime by registering for a national administration, which are hosted on Saturdays. Students can also take the national administration at any college or high school that offers it. Copperas Cove High School offers a number of national administrations each school year.
ACT-The ACT is an entrance exam used by most colleges and universities to make admissions decisions. The ACT is a multiple-choice, pencil-and-paper test created and administrated by ACT, Inc. Students are recommended to take the ACT in the Spring of their Junior year. Students can also take the ACT anytime by registering for a national administration, which are hosted on Saturdays. Students can also take the national administration at any college or high school that offers it. Copperas Cove High School offers a number of national administrations each school year.
TSI/Accuplacer-The TSI/Accuplacer is an assessment that is a part of the Texas Success Initiative program designed to help colleges/universities to determine if you are ready for college-level coursework in the areas of reading, writing, and math. Students are exempt from taking the TSI if they meet standard on either SAT or ACT. Based on how you perform on the TSI will determine whether a student will need a college level course or developmental courses in college. Copperas Cove High School offers multiple administrations to students who are not college ready. If a student needs to take the TSI before or after a grade level administration, they can make special arrangements to test by signing up through their academic advisor.
SAT School Code: 441490
ACT School Code: 222420
TSI/Accuplacer - Register with your Academic Advisor or Schoology Message Jessica Steele
Test | Reading | Math |
SAT | 480 | 530 |
ACT | 19 | 19 |
TSI | Reading: 351 / Writing: a score of 5 on the essay section or a score of 4 on the essay and a minimum score of 340 on the multiple-choice section | 350 |
PSAT - The PSAT won’t count towards your college admissions applications, but it is the qualifying test for the National Merit Scholarship. Some of the highest scoring students may win scholarship money, so while you shouldn’t stress out about the PSAT, you certainly shouldn’t ignore it either. Use the PSAT as practice for the SAT and ACT and is an important guidepost on your college admissions journey. CCHS students take the PSAT in the Fall of their Junior year.
STAAR EOC - Is an exam that is required by all students to take as an end of course exam. All high school students are required to take and meet standard on 5 end of course exams that include Algebra 1, English 1, Biology, English 2, and US History. The first administration is offered in the Spring for students who are in these courses. If students do not meet standards they may retake the exams in June and December.
ASVAB - The ASVAB is offered to Juniors or Seniors and gives you a snapshot of your current knowledge and skills. Scores can help with career explorations, as well as enlistment in the military. The ASVAB is offered at CCHS once in the Fall and Spring. ASVAB Score Minimums by military branch: Air Force - 36, Army - 31, Coast Guard - 40, Marines - 31, and Navy - 35.
Advanced Placement (AP) – The AP Program offers college-level courses and exams that you can take in high school. AP testing takes place in the Spring.
2022-2023 SAT & ACT National Administration Dates
**Check the ACT website for additional information and to register.**
August 27, 2022 | September 10, 2022 |
October 1, 2022 | October 22, 2022 |
November 5, 2022 | December 10, 2022 |
December 3, 2022 | February 11, 2023 |
March 11, 2023 | April 315, 2023 |
May 6, 2023 | June 10, 2023 |
June 3, 2023 | July 15, 2023 |
Please refer to the CCHS calendar for dates when these tests are offered at CCHS.
Do I need to take both the ACT and SAT? No, students should become familiar with the requirements of the college or university they would like to attend and base their decision off that.
Do I need to take the TSI if I have passed the SAT or ACT? You do not need the TSI if you have met the standard on the SAT or ACT. If you have not met standard on these exams, you will need to take the TSI
What is the purpose of taking the TSI? Colleges will require TSI scores if a student has not met standard on the ACT or SAT. If a student has TSI that meets standard, they will not be required to take development or remedial courses at the college or university. If a student does not meet standard on the TSI, students will be required by the college or university to take remedial or developmental courses in the subject they did not meet standard.
Can I retake the TSI at CCHS? Yes, if there is a grade level administration you will be required to take the TSI if you do not have passing scores and are not considered college or career ready. If you are wanting to retake the TSI on your own, you will be required to show proof that you have studied to retake the exam.
Can my child have accommodations on these tests? If your child needs a special accommodation on one of these tests, the child and parent may make a request through the school. School personnel will have to file the accommodations for approval through Collegeboard or ACT.
Is there any type of assistance for the payment of the SAT or ACT? Yes, if the student is on free or reduced lunches they can complete a free waiver. Please visit either the Collegeboard or ACT website for more information. Vouchers can be received from Jessica Steele or your grade level office.