Social Emotional Learning
Supporting Social Development in young learners
Our Pre-K through 2nd grade students participate in Social/Emotional lessons from Dan St. Romain. These lessons focus on specific skills that lead to positive interactions with others, resulting in the development of healthier relationships with peers and teachers and better opportunities for learning and growth.
Through direct instruction, engaging books, interactive movements and songs, students learn concepts that encourage kindness, respect, friendship, and personal responsibility (to name a few).
Take a few minutes to watch this video where Dan St. Romain explains how his lessons help build this social/emotional development in young students.

3rd Grade SEL Lessons
Based on the needs of each class, teachers will have the option to choose from over 35 topics that encourage healthy relationships and habits, as well as teach skills in the areas of gratitude, conflict resolution, anger management, diversity, etc.

4th Grade SEL Lessons
As with 3rd Grade, teachers will be able to choose from over 35 topics to address the needs of their classes throughout the school year. Topics for 4th Grade include test anxiety, friendship skills, leadership, self-confidence, etc.

5th Grade SEL Lessons
5th Grade teachers will also have an extensive list of topics to choose from throughout the year to reinforce previous skills and teach new ones, as the need arises. Topics include citizenship, empathy, integrity, perspective, resilience, social media safety, etc.
Here is a list of books you can read with your child to support their social emotional learning and growth
This list of books has many titles you can read together as a family to continue building on the skills that students are learning during their social/emotional learning time.
These books also offer families the opportunity to talk more about what these characteristics mean and how they "look" when it comes to our behaviors. Many teachable moments can occur by using books such as these listed to reinforce positive habits and build on healthy skills.

Why Capturing Kids' Hearts?

Social Contracts
Next time you visit your child's junior high or high school, see if you notice these Social Contracts in the hallways or classrooms. Teachers and students work together to build these contracts and refer to them throughout the year. These help keep students and teachers connected and responsible for their actions and their influence on those around them.
"When educating the minds of our youth, we must not forget to educate their hearts."
-Dalai Lama